// Sam Wish Questionnaire

Ok, who doesn't love to get a little deal every now and then?! Um, yes please! Here is a way you can help me to help you! It's a win-win, really. 

Fill out this store questionnaire to help me get me some insights on who my customers are and what they're interested in and I will help you by responding with a coupon code for 25% off! I told you it was a win-win!

All you have to do is fill out this questionnaire and email it to me at samwish3@gmail.com. I will get back to you with your very own coupon code which you will copy into the coupon code box at checkout and voila! 25% off

1. What drew you in to Sam Wish? or How did you hear about Sam Wish?

2.What is your favorite item(s) at Sam Wish?

3. What kind of items would you like to see more of at Sam Wish store?

4. What type of products are you more inclined to buy online?

5. Describe how you see Sam Wish in one sentence.

6. What is your favorite scent at the moment?

7. What kind of body products do you think are going to be popular this year?

8. What kind of body products do you use on a regular basis?

9. Tell me a little about yourself (ex. are you a student, a mother, what country you live in, how old you are, whatever information you feel like sharing that would help me with my store!)

10. What do you think about the prices in my store?

11. Can you find things/navigate easily through the store?

12. Any additional critiques you think would be useful to me?

Thanks for taking the time to fill out my questionnaire! And happy shopping! 


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