// Full Moon in March 2018


Honestly, full moons kind of freak me out and give me tons of anxiety. But I know there will always be growing pains when taking steps forward and that's what I see them as. As well as reflections of things that we need to focus more on. It also just happens to align with my moon cycle (queue eye roll) so even more of a reason to slow down and listen to and trust our intuition with things that come up. 

When I'm at a loss or want/need to know something, I research. That's what I do. And here are a few tools I've found for this specific full moon to help me in the process. 

// Virgo Full Moon Ritual for Getting on Track //

This ritual is best done between March 1st- 9th, 2018.

You will need:Your favorite smudging tool
Candle (purple, blue or white is preferable but you can use whatever you have)
3 of your favourite crystals (see below)
Pen and 3 pieces of paper

1.) To choose your crystals, close your eyes and ask yourself what crystal would be most beneficial to you right now. Open your eyes and pick the three crystal that you gravitate towards.

2.) Start by smudging your aura and surroundings using sage or whatever smudging tool you prefer. For more instructions on how to do this, read this. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following mantra or write your own-

“I cleanse and release all old and heavy weight from the past. I cleanse and release all that is weighing me down and stopping me from moving forward. I release all self-doubt and worries, and I replace them with love, confidence, and motivation to move forward. All the heaviness has melted away, I am now reset, I am now on track with my life, I am now being guided towards my highest path.”

3.) Light your candle and place it on a table or altar. Put your crystals around your candle in a triangle shape. (If you don’t have crystals you can substitute using natural rocks from the garden or flowers/leaves)

4.) Lay down, sit cross-legged, or sit on chair with you feet on the ground. Close your eyes and take 11 deep breaths in and out. As you breathe, imagine filling your body with a beautiful white light on every inhale, and exhaling out any heaviness as a black smoke.

5.) Pick up one of your crystals and hold it for a moment. Holding the crystal, close your eyes and ask yourself- “I feel most on track in my life when…” notice any thoughts or feelings that arise, or notice the first words that your hear/feel/think. Repeat this for all three crystals.

6.) Once you have the three responses, write each of them down on a separate piece of paper. Fold the paper and place it under each crystal. Arrange your crystals and the papers back into the triangle configuration around the candle.

7.) Now take another 11 deep breaths to calm and settle yourself. Close your eyes, and placing your hand over your heart, make a promise to yourself that you are going to do the best you can to listen to the wisdom you received today so you can feel more on track with your life.

Here is a mantra to help but you can definitely write your own or run with it in the moment. (It is best if this is said out loud)-

“I am going to do my best to bring (insert here) into my life so I can feel on track. I know I am supported and guided on this mission, and I know that I am always on track as long as I am listening to and loving myself. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

8.) Leave the candle burning for as long as you are around to attend to it. When you are ready, snuff out the candle but leave the crystals and papers out overnight. In the morning you can keep the papers in a safe space or burn/discard them if you wish.

9.) For the next 3 nights sleep next to and meditate with your crystals in order to keep receiving their guiding/Full Moon energy.

- source. 

I for one can not wait to do this ritual tonight and integrate with this full moon <3 And here's some more info on the full moon and how it applies to my sun & rising sign which I find kind of neat and helpful. I am a Taurus, Sagittarius Rising

"The 3/1 Full Moon in Virgo is asking you to pay attention to the details. To get conscious about where you’re inclined to let things slide, for the sake of what seems like an easier life (but which often just creates another mess).

The journal prompts below are to help you get deeper into the lessons of this Full Moon in Virgo — using the prompts for both your Sun and Rising sign to give you the full picture."


My biggest hope for my future is…
(financial abundance and stability)

I am most confident creatively when I… (I'm not stressed out about money and the success of my business)


I often feel sensitive about… (my worth, my capabilities, my knowledge)

I get stronger and more capable every time I… (push myself to do something out of my comfort zone that helps to excel and grow my business)

- Free People < follow the link to find the lessons for your own signs

So obviously I have business on the mind right now and having some abundance/money issues. But I feel like it's become important for me to deal with. I feel like maybe a break through is on the other end. *fingers crossed* We'll see. 

Happy Full Moon ~


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