// 2018 Tarot

Deck Spotlight: The Efflorescent Tarot | mysticsister.net
Pic from here.

First Impressions of my 2018 reading // 

A lot of pentacles

// The Suit of Pentacles relates to the element of Earth and is representative of money, financial resources, material possessions, career and the physical realm.

- Biddy Tarot

Starts with a few 3's (initial achievements), then 4's (structure, stability, organization, planning) then higher suits but with a lot of reversals at the end (which is kind of worrisome but not entirely surprising).

January // 3 of Pentacles

First Impressions // He looks kind of bored or distressed. Maybe disappointed or stuck? He's working on clocks like it is muscle memory, his mind seems elsewhere.

"The Craftsman's Card", about being the master of your craft, the opportunity to nurture and develop something. The initial bout of work has paid off.

"The Three of Pentacles, like the Threes in the other suits, represents the initial completion of a goal or plan. In this case, the Three implies the fulfillment and manifestation of a creative venture, business, or building project. The inspiration of the individual (i.e. the mason) is beginning to be concreted in the material world, and the decisions of the two (i.e. the two monks) have been made successfully. An initial satisfaction is now being enjoyed and the project is well underway. You have all of the skills necessary to accomplish your goals in life, thus you have the ability to succeed in all your ventures. You are keen to improve the quality of your life or your work.

The message of the Three of Pentacles is one of encouragement. If you continue to work toward the fulfillment of your dreams and do not allow disillusionment to dampen your enthusiasm, ultimately you will experience prosperity and success in your goals. You need to do work that is satisfying to you and that you can be truly proud of.

The Three of Pentacles indicates that dreams can be made real with persistence, determination, and effort.
The Three of Pentacles may also suggest that you need help to complete your work and can draw on the knowledge and experience of others.
Effective planning, management and organisation are also key components of the Three of Pentacles. In order to accomplish significant goals, such as building a monumental cathedral, it is imperative that detailed planning occurs to ensure that all the components are progressing well. This card therefore reflects a time when it is essential to create a detailed plan and to follow a schedule. This is when good project management will pay off.

February // 3 of Wands

First Impressions // A man stands by three wands, holding one, looking out into the distance. Perhaps looking into the future that is beyond?

"Waiting for the ships to come in" This person has invested their passion in something and now the energy they sent out is coming back to them. It is a card of progress, of the first hint that the dream can be made real.

Also indicates that, like a woman holding her new born babe in her arms for the first time, the querent might rightly be feeling a little proud, even powerful. They might be warned, however, to not get too excited. Though there is a sense that positive results are coming in, they should wait till the hips have all appeared and docked before celebrating or boasting.

Aeclectic Tarot

Upright: Preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion

On the Three of Wands, a man stands on a cliff, with his back turned, looking out over the sea to distant mountains. From this height, he can see all that lies ahead and is aware of the impending challenges and opportunities. The three Wands surrounding him are firmly planted in the ground, reflecting his commitment to his future plans.

The Three of Wands indicates that your plans are now well underway and you are starting to consider even more opportunities to expand your current plans and maximize on the potential of your future. Everything is progressing steadily and as expected, thanks to your solid planning and ongoing motivation to persist.
The Three of Wands indicates opportunities to expand your horizons, through study, travel, business enterprise and learning. You need to become more aware of the opportunities that exist for you right now as there may be more than you are aware of. To best see and take advantage of them you must concentrate, cooperate and remain open-minded. You may be more aware that your best opportunities lie outside of your current environment, so it is time to think BIG. Consider what you can do to open doors for yourself and create more development and self-exploration opportunities. It also signifies the changes and challenges that are up ahead and that are associated with expanding your horizons and entering new territories. Given the man in this card can see far ahead of himself, then you are likely to already be aware of the upcoming changes and challenges and can prepare for them ahead of time.

Similarly, this card is also about embracing change and adopting a longer-term view. It indicates you are in a position of strength as you control what happens around you. Thus, this is a card of vision and foresight and looking for greater possibilities. You are being encouraged to become a visionary and to dream beyond your current limitations. Now is the time to accept your vision and be confident that you will achieve it. Move fearlessly into new areas.

I see this as a wonderful card of opportunity that encourages you to be bold and take this leap of faith to truly develop who you are.
- Biddy Tarot

March // 5 of Pentacles (reversed) 

First Impressions // A rich looking man looks to be consoling a beggar/poor looking man. There is a large, very nice looking house behind them. Maybe where the rich man lives? The card was reversed, so maybe the opposite of giving?

Upright meaning: Two poor folk sitting outside a church, predicts loss, financial loss, bad luck, a set-back. Difficult time as all fives are. They feel embarrassed by their poverty and are too proud to ask for help, preferring to rely on each other than begging alms from the rich church. Issues of pride and humility.
Problem "How can I survive the impoverished time without surrendering my pride?"
Answer: "You have to reconsider your values"

While they have lost material things and even respect of society, they still have each other. Such times teach us who our real friends are, who is honestly generous, and what really matters to us. When times are good again, we will remember what we learned in these hard times and not be fooled by sham friendships or capricious social regard. We will know who and what we can really trust.

Aeclectic Tarot


The Five of Pentacles reversed indicates an end to difficult times, particularly if you have recently suffered a major financial loss or job loss. You may find new sources of income, a new job, or someone has offered to help you out while you get back on your feet. You may be starting to feel as if life is worth living again and starting to regain your self-confidence. Finally you can see a way out of your financial difficulties and your hope is being renewed.

The reversed Five of Pentacles can sometimes indicate the persistence of inner, spiritual poverty. It reflects a time when you feel isolated and alone, even if surrounded by many people. You may feel as though something is just completely out of place and you are struggling to place your finger on what it is. Return to the Four of Pentacles and you may come to realise that you have placed too much emphasis on your material wealth and have neglected your spiritual well-being.

- Biddy Tarot

April // Knight of Wands 

First Impressions // Knight holding a wand, standing forward, maybe waiting, looks tired?

As travel: exciting trip and likely a long one to an exotic place by motorcycle, car, bus or train.

As change and movement: Knights are about maturing, changes, movement. Suggests things switching, moving, or changing rapidly. Energy, in particular, might go up or down dramatically. In the negative, there is a fighting atmosphere to this knight, the time or environment may be electric with an almost sports-like desire to do battle, even when it might not be wise to do so. Changes won't be frightening, but they may seem wild and unexpected.

As a teen or "teen-like" person: the "tilting at windmills" knights. The kind of youth who always goes for grand, dramatic gestures. This is the restless teen or teen-like adult who loves his car and seems to live in it, driving everywhere, picking up his friends as he goes. And there is usually no telling where he'll drive to or end up. He's popular, center of attention, the leader who comes up with crazy ideas. He'll be voted class president or Prom King. and, is likely an aggressive player on the football team, but don't expect him to be all that serious or serious minded. He's at an age where he wants to have fun and party.

On the negative side, this teen can be headstrong, bossy or a bully- and a risk-taker, meaning he could do dangerous things and convince others to do dangerous things. A little narcissistic, he's not always sensitive to others feelings. Don't expect him to be reliable or on time, but he can be fiercely loyal to his friends, and his religion whether that is sports, a philosophy, or church.

- Aeclectic Tarot

Upright: Energy, passion, lust, action, adventure, impulsiveness

The Knight of Wands is seen riding upon his horse, which rears up in the intensity of the Knight’s quest for success. The Knight’s face bears the determination of one bound to succeed. The plumes from the Knight of Wands’ helmet and the decorative tassels hanging from his back and arms are the color of flame and he, like the Page, wears a shirt covered with the symbol of the fiery salamander.

Whereas the Page of Wands indicated the initial spark of a new idea, the Knight of Wands indicates the actual pursuit of that idea. There is significantly more action associated with this Knight and he has a true commitment and energy to make sure his ideas are put into action. His courage is incredibly strong and he has no fear of anything. He simply charges forth with his ideas and visions to make things happen. Thus, the Knight of Wands suggests that your confidence levels will rapidly increase and you will feel ready to take on the world with your vision. Tackle any challenges that stand in your way and always be ready to help others who lack your determination and exuberance but who desperately need it.

The Knight of Wands is an ‘act first, think later’ type of guy. He is impatient and impulsive, with a love for action. The downside to the Knight of Wands is that while he is bursting with energy and enthusiasm, he has a tendency to rush into things without much consideration for the consequences of his actions. He sets off on his journey in haste and often fails to have a clear plan of attack and this may negatively impact his chances of longer-term success. He is so focused on being the best and of fame and glory that he almost forgets to plan ahead and to keep sight of reality. The Knight of Wands can also come across as aggressive and overly ambitious. He is highly insistent even if others stand in his way, criticise him or challenge him.

When you encounter the Knight of Wands in a reading, it is important that you start your creative projects with great enthusiasm and energy but you also temper this with a well-rounded, realistic and balanced view along with a well-considered plan that takes into account any future consequences of your actions. You need to show ambition and move from where you are now to where you know you should be to increase your effectiveness in the world. There is nothing wrong with ambition if it is channeled in the right way. Be a pioneer and take calculated risks.

The Knight of Wands may indicate an event that enters your life quickly and unexpectedly. Coupled with the Eight of Wands, you can expect to see a lot of change and action occurring around you, and you will no doubt be swept up by the restless, ‘busy’ energy whether you like it or not! An important matter is likely to enter your life and demand your attention until it passes. Rather than resisting it, make the time to give it your full attention. Oftentimes, the Knight of Wands can indicate a hasty change of residence, job or other living arrangement. You need to be ready to react quickly and go with the flow as resistance is useless.

May // 4 of Swords

First Impressions // Someone laying down, blindfolded with knives strung to the ceiling, facing down at them. There's a window and a candle on the sill. There are moths all around.

He is resting, "Meditation Card", advises the querent that they need to rest, reflect, recuperate, and find their way back to themselves. Being that the swords are emblems of fighting, of anxieties, and arguments, the stillness of the number four is usually a welcome respite. This is a time for everyone to "put up their swords" and allow wounds inflicted in these mental or verbal battles to heal.

This card usually indicates that the querent has survived a time of arguments, misunderstandings, mental or verbal abuse, even a nervous breakdown. They could be recuperating from a physical illness or injury as well.

This is a time they need to heal, clear their head, just think about what they did and what they need to do differently from now on. Retreat from what you've been thinking far too much about in order to rest their brain and re-evaluate their position.

- Aeclectic 

The Four of Swords depicts the effigy of a knight lying upon a tomb. His hands are in the position of prayer and the tomb sits within a church. The stained glass behind the statue depicts a woman and child together. One sword lies beneath the knight, symbolizing that there is only one key issue that is dominating your life at this time. Three further swords hang above him, pointing downwards.

The Four of Swords shows a period of rest and recovery after a time of challenge, with the promise that, once recovered, you can and will return to the challenge. In the meantime, the Four of Swords provides a new challenge – to stay silent and inactive. This is the time build up your mental strength. Meditate and spend time in a calm atmosphere. You need to replenish your strength and spend time in spiritual thinking. You need to rest and relax.

The Four of Swords is a reminder that after every crisis and before every new challenge, there is always a time of relaxation and contemplation. Constant stress and tension will break even the hardest and most resilient of people but brief periods of rest enable you to refresh your energy, concentration and focus, ready for the next challenge. These rests should be used wisely, to heal the body and ready the mind.

The Four of Swords is also a sign that you can stop worrying, put down your defences and take a breather from the chaos around you. For the moment there is a truce and you can catch your breath without being attacked again. However, bear in mind that a truce and peace are not the same thing. The Four of Swords is a guarantee that challenges will return to your life as soon as you are ready to face them, so make the most of the stillness and quiet you have earned but never lose sight of the fact that the battle is not yet over, and that there is still work to be done.
This card suggests that now is the time to rest from some difficult times, perhaps the trauma of breakup or departure, relationship or family problems, financial and health worries, stress and conflict. Take a break. This is also not the time to make decisions, particularly when you are at your most vulnerable.

The Four of Swords suggests the need for seclusion. You need seclusion to deal properly with your situation and need to experience time apart from others to gather your thoughts and feelings. Following on from the painful loss of the Three of Swords, the Four of Swords indicates your need to spend time alone to re-evaluate your life. Solitude, although often difficult to bear, is necessary for you to be able to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate your spirit. This solitary experience always bears fruit in an experience of greater inner strength and confidence. Retreat from pain, conflict and distractions, and rid yourself of stress and anxiety. Ground and re-charge yourself. Look inward for a real change and meditate daily.

In a practical sense, the Four of Swords is an indicator that you need to have some time out from your current circumstances, to reflect and review your progress so far. This is a good time to re-evaluate and re-assess your priorities. It is almost like conducting your own “Post Implementation Review” following a major milestone or a major challenge. Create some time and space to reflect on what has worked well, what has not worked well and what you need to change for the future. Pausing for reflection after each major challenge will position you well for success in the future.

- Biddy Tarot

June // 4 of Cups

First Impressions // Woman sitting naked by a tree. There are three cups on the ground and the tree is giving her a fourth. It looks like she is in a valley.

'The Grass is Greener" card.  Water is about movement and flow, making the stability of 4's contrary to this element. Which is why it's a card about dissatisfaction, A man sitting under a tree with three cups is offered a fourth by a hand from a cloud. He seems to be starting at the three cups he has, the fourth from the cloud suggesting that he feels unhappy with those three.

Indicates discontent. What we though was wonderful when our feelings were new is now taken for granted. We might even start to find fault with it, become irritated by what we imagine is lacking or wrong with it.

The man under the tree is still, comfortably seated even, but it's clear that his feelings are restless. Think of those who stew in their emotions, grumbling and grousing, maybe wasting their time drinking or spending too much time on the internet. He's too locked in habit and routine to move but habit and routine no longer give him comfort. He is dissatisfied and bored. Something must be done to bring these feelings out into the open and change them. There is still time to salvage the relationship, but that time is running out.

- Aeclectic

Upright: Meditation, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation

The Four of Cups depicts a young man sitting under a tree far away from others in what looks like deep contemplation and meditation. In fact, he is so engrossed in deep contemplation that he does not appear to notice the cup being presented to him by an outstretched arm. A further three cups stand at his feet, symbolising the world and its attractions but again, he pays little attention to these. In this sense, he indicates the need to look deep into our Self to discover the answers we seek. External influences can be distracting and may not lead us to the goal we seek even if those influences purport to be of a spiritual nature.

This young man and his predicament suggest the story of the Buddha under the Bodhi Tree, contemplating the state of the Universe and unwilling to rise until he has reached the Truth. He is not taking the cup and indeed appears to be paying no attention to it whatsoever. He misses this gift of love and opportunity because he’s completely tuned within.

The Four of Cups often appears when you are bored or dissatisfied with the status quo. You may be feeling disengaged, apathetic, or unmotivated. Life has become stale or ‘flat’ and there is little that excites you anymore. To overcome this, the Four of Cups suggests a need to re-evaluate your situation and to look deep within your own psyche to find understanding and meaning. Turn your attention inward to find the Truth for which you are searching. Avoid distractions and examine your heart and mind to gain clarity.

Similarly, the Four of Cups signifies disappointment in someone or in a situation. You may be growing tired of the same old struggle that has been carried on too long in the past. As a result, you have started to withdraw and go within yourself to seek greater peace and tranquility. If you are becoming particularly ‘pouty’ or sulky about your predicament, the Four of Cups is then a call to action; it is time to wake up, be alert and to be open to new experiences that offer a more positive outcome.
The Four of Cups can sometimes point to defensiveness. This can be noticed in the body language displayed in the crossed arms and legs of the man on the card. He chooses to ignore the possibility of what the cup has to offer. Possibly he has been hurt emotionally before, as this is the Suit of Cups, and he is fearful to expose himself to that again, hence he is closing himself off to this opportunity. Consider what opportunities you are ignoring or declining, and ask yourself whether this is because you truly believe you would not benefit from it, or whether this is because you are fearful of what may follow. Be mindful of any defensiveness in your responses and reactions.

At its worst, the Four of Cups is a stubborn, ungrateful and self-absorbed card. Whether you are off in your own little world, depressed, selfish, afraid to reach out or are nursing wounds from a bad relationship, the isolation in your world is self-imposed. You may be only concerned with your own troubles and problems, neglecting the needs of others. Be mindful that your detachment from being part of the world is becoming an issue. Remember, there is always an opportunity for you to reconnect with the world around you. Look at that cup being offered to you!

Often, the Four of Cups indicates that an offer has been presented to you but you are holding off making any sort of decision or evaluation of that opportunity until you have had more time for reflection and consideration. Notice that while the man in this card has not accepted the offer being presented to him, he has not completely rejected it either. The cup will continue to be there and the decision to accept or reject it can be made at any point. For now, though, it is the time for contemplation, research and meditation. When all of the answers are in, and it feels right emotionally, then you can take action but in the short-term, you do not need to make an immediate choice.

The Four of Cups serves as a reminder not to take life for granted. Numerologically, four signifies that you have created a solid foundation for yourself and a strong sense of stability and security. However, sometimes this can play to your disadvantage, where you feel so content, safe and secure that you begin to take your relationships and other aspects of life for granted. Thus, when the Four of Cups appears it must be taken as a cautionary note. It bears the message that there is a lot of love in your life but it can and will slip away if you do not continue to nurture it and demonstrate your appreciation for everything that you have gained so far. Most of the time, people do not realize the abundance they live in every day. They are too concerned with what they want, and they have no time to look at their lives and see how much they already have. A lot of the disappointment in life comes from people who want more but who already have all that they need. The key to overcoming this disappointment is simply to see all the good that is in your life already, and be thankful for it every day. So open up your eyes and look for yourself!

- Biddy Tarot 

July // 7 of Wands

First Impressions // A young person stands on a cliff with 6 wands sticking up from the ground and 1 in hand. The are looking to the side. They are in movement.

The "Under Siege" card. A man defends himself, with one wand against six others. The stakes are high, and the querent is under attack, even worse, the odds are against him. This is where the energy you've been using to create must be used to defend what you've created.

Usually indicates a disagreement with how you are directing and managing your career, criticisum of a philosophy. Those who gathered in, who were your supporters are now at odds with you. They think you're in error and that someone else could do better. They want you to step down.

And so you're on the defensive, fighting to regain control. The card urges you to stand your ground. The reader can tell the querent that though his enemies seem strong, they don't expect resistance, and his fighting spirit will daunt them.

This card tells us to use what we've learned about maintaining our energy, about being bold and stalwart and we will win the battle.

- Aeclectic 

Upright: Challenge, competition, perseverance

In the Seven of Wands, a man stands on top of a hill and is challenged below by opponents that want what he has, success and status. The man appears to be in a defensive position, fiercely retaliating against those who attack him and defending his position as ‘king of the hill’. Interestingly, the man is wearing two different shoes, suggesting that he may have uneven footing or may be unclear of his own stance.

Similar to the Five of Wands, the Seven of Wands indicates a struggle after initial satisfaction and fulfilment. This time, however, the struggle is about maintaining your position at the top while others compete and fight to achieve the same success and status that you have already achieved. Thus, competition is rife and you must continually prove yourself with the Seven of Wands. If your vision and creative effort is fulfilled to the point where there is public acclaim or acceptance of your success then you must expect competition and challenge, as other people will no doubt also desire the same things as you.

The Seven of Wands can also indicate a challenge to the continued success of a venture or creative project from an external source. While it appears to block your path forward, you can overcome this challenge or obstacle by drawing upon your strong self-confidence, self-belief and continual self-improvement. It can also be overcome with effort and clarity of purpose.

The Seven of Wands is about holding your ground, despite ongoing challenges to your position and authority. You need to take a stand and defend your position at all costs. This will take courage and persistence but you have the strength and determination to do it. You see yourself as a battler and no matter what the challenge, you still have it in you to stand up for yourself and fight to the end. So, although you are experiencing a number of setbacks at the moment, you need to continue fighting for what you believe in and confronting others who may oppose or threaten you.

There needs to be acceptance with this card that you are not always going to be able to win everyone over. There will always be challengers and opposition to your point of view and you cannot keep everyone happy all of the time. Thus, now is the time to draw your line in the sand, and say, “This is who I am and this is what I need right now.” There cannot be any compromise or negotiation at this time, just hold your ground with determination and courage.

From quite a literal perspective, this card can indicate that you will be required to give a speech or write a paper on a contentious or highly debated issue. You will need to be ready to defend your argument and present hard facts that support your point of view. Expect to be challenged but enjoy this challenge as it will help you to create an even more robust argument.
- Biddy Tarot

August // Queen of Pentacles

First Impressions // A pretty queen with short hair, flowers, and a sharp looking crown, surrounded by flowers, looking sideways with eyes closed.

As a development: Making real a business, altering a work situation, or developing an exercise or health plan.

As an adult woman: This is the practical, down-to-earth woman. She might, in fact, be an earth mother type going for organic living, home gardens, and making her own home improvements, or a farmer's wife, tending chickens, knitting sweaters and canning jams. But she could also be one of the rich and famous.

Rich or not, it is likely that she also owns her own successful business. Her accounting is scrupulous, but that doesn't mean she's afraid to spend. she loves beautiful things and if she is on the wealthy side, will spare no expense to decorate her homes with the perfect paintings, furniture, and trinkets. Her wealth and taste will be evident in her dress, jewelry, and make-up as well.

An enthusiastic outdoors woman, she's always encouraging friends and family to exercise, and she loves her outdoor gardens as much as her indoor home. As in work, nothing less than giver her all to her family will do for the Queen of pentacles. She wants them to ahve the best so they can succeed. Her children may not have the best, but they will never want; they will appreciate that their mother works hard to make sure they get what they need, and that their family is steeped in good values and traditions. The queen of pentacles expectations may put a lot of pressure on her children, more than she realizes.

Also, this queen's pragmatism, her dislike of anyuthing strange or distateful, may exclude anything unique or imaginative- solutions as well as people. Even as an unconventional Earth Mother type, the Queen of Pentacles will want her children to fit in with her community, its values, and traditions. Her children and partner may feel that they can't be themselves and still be loved.

At her best, however, this is the Queen of success. She hast the patience, good sense, and determination to make things happen. She knows how to make dreams a reality.

- Aeclectic

Upright: Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security

The Queen of Pentacles depicts a solitary woman who sits upon a throne decorated with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels, and other symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. The tree above her and the ground beneath her feet are rich with flowers and ripe plants of all sorts and she holds in her hand a single golden pentacle, which represents her material richness. At the very lower right-hand corner of the card a rabbit, the symbol of reproduction and fertility, leaps out from behind some bushes. The rabbit also hops into our awareness, symbolising that it is a good time to look before we leap and exercise good judgement as the Queen of Pentacles does.

The Queen of Pentacles is a very ‘motherly’ card, expressing practical energy. She is the original Earth Mother. She shows her love for others by cooking, cleaning, keeping a warm and inviting home and bringing in a decent income to support the family financially. She is also able to work a full-time job, take care of the children, keep the house clean, and still have time to read the business section of the newspaper. She probably has her very own bank account or investment portfolio that nobody else knows about. She strives to create a warm and secure environment for her family and loved ones, and gives love and support freely.

The Queen of Pentacles may represent a mother figure in your life who can provide you with loving support and nurturing to help you get through the influences of your past. She may be a teacher, a counsellor, a mentor, or someone who you are very close to. Alternatively, she may represent a part of yourself, particularly if you are investing a lot of yourself into nurturing and caring for others and creating an established and comfortable lifestyle.

The Queen of Pentacles suggests that it is important to you that you are able to live independently, with a stable income and with enough time and space to also nurture your family and loved ones. You may be trying to create a better balance between your home and work lives, giving it your all in both domains and trying not to compensate one for the other. At the same time, you are also able to find time to invest in yourself and ensure that you have enough ‘me’ time in between all of your other commitments.

The Queen of Pentacles represents prosperity and security. She suggests that you have worked hard to generate a level of financial or physical security which, in turn, gives you the ability to be generous with others and to share your wealth and prosperity with those you love. You have used your financial prosperity to build a comfortable home environment and you are focused on investing in your family, as well as your personal wealth.

This Queen asks you to maintain a compassionate, nurturing, practical and down-to-earth attitude when it comes to dealing with others and your present circumstances. You need to focus on creating a calm and balanced life for yourself. You need to be resourceful and practical, dealing with issues as they arise and coming up with realistic and simple solutions that fix the problem with minimal fuss. The Queen of Pentacles is also able to find a use for everything in the home, and is very handy and versatile.

- Biddy Tarot

September // 10 of Pentacles (reversed)

First Impressions // A couple stands in a park, under trees with pentacle lanterns. They are holding hands and looking at each other though they aren't quite facing each other. Their bodies are facing away.

Upright: "Lord of Wealth" card, about having an abundance of something, so much so that you view it differently than when it was a rarity. This cared is about a pinnacle in prosperity, it indicates someone's retirement, dealings with elderly relatives, genealogy, or inheritances- large or small. It can be about antiques and other old, valued things passed down through the generations.

On a simpler level, the card can indicate passing things on, like removing all those old clothes cluttering up the closet and giving them to the homeless. Though similar to the six of pentacles, this is not so much about generosity as it is about using your abundance to leave a legacy. "You have too much to enjoy" the card says. "Give it to those who can enjoy it". You have enough to indulge others, and so you complete the suit spiritually as well as physically.

- Aeclectic 

Reversed: Financial failure, loneliness, loss

Upright, the Ten of Pentacles shows a beautiful picture of a family within a huge castle. The ‘man of the house’ looks so happy to have finally accomplished everything that he has in life and is glad that he can now provide for his family for many years to come. This is one of those ultimate commitment cards often associated with marriage, financial success and established families. Reversed, however, it suggests that there is something getting in the way of this picture. The stability and security of the family unit, the marriage or the financials has been undermined and there is no longer that feeling of stability. In some cases, it can mean that a marriage has come to an end very recently and it is now going through a process of divestment. In other cases, it can mean that this is a temporary state of flux and there is still the possibility that it can get back on track.

Reversed, the Ten of Pentacles is about failure on a financial level. This card indicates financial loss, problems with investments, and lack of resources. Despite a lot of time and effort, there seems to be many limitations to future success as a result of a poor foundation. In some cases, this card represents the problems of money, such as fears about finances and quarrels over property, as finances become an impediment to the enjoyment of life. It could indicate that you are beset with financial burdens and responsibilities.

In a relationship reading where the relationship is relatively new, the reversed Ten of Pentacles suggests that while you are keen to progress this relationship further, you are still not 100% sure that it has potential for the long-term and you may be questioning whether your partner is truly husband/wife material or not. You may be looking for a long-term relationship but you are unsure that your partner is going to be the one who will provide that long-term commitment.

Similarly, if you are single, the reversed Ten of Pentacles suggests that you are looking for a fun relationship at this stage, not anything more committed than that. You would prefer something that is just casual but still secure enough to know that you are a couple.

- Biddy Tarot 

October // Page of Pentacles (reversed) 

First impressions // A young boy stands on a pathway, looking sad. Maybe he's a nomad with little money and experience? Maybe he has no where to go? But it's reversed so maybe it means that even though they are immature and inexperienced, they are making headway? It is the beginning of something.


As a message: money, good-luck
As a time and environment: There is new growth, steady development. Everything from the economy to the body seem youthful and healthy.
As a child or child-like person: They want to fix things, they are frugal and eager to do extra chores to earn money. They're very health-conscious, may be stuck doing child-like work. There's an element of "what's in it for me?"

- Aecletic 

Reversed: Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus

Upright, the Page of Pentacles is about manifesting your dreams and goals. When this card is reversed, it can indicate that there are current blockages standing in the way of you achieving those goals. It may be that you have not planned sufficiently, or that you have become lazy and complacent and have lost sight of your goal. You may also be too busy daydreaming about new dreams and goals, without having taken any action on your original dreams and goals. So, you need to review your goals and think again about why you were originally motivated to achieve them. Think about what it will be like once you achieve that goal, and become re-committed to your objectives and the actions required to make your dreams a reality.
The reversed Page of Pentacles can also indicate that you are focusing on short-term pleasures and desires rather than sustainable and long-term goals. You will need to move beyond material satisfaction and towards what will bring you sustainable happiness and fulfilment.

Similarly, you may be finding it difficult to get a specific project or idea off the ground. Each time you try, it seems to amount to nothing, or it takes you even further away from where you want to be. There is a lack of success here and a mounting frustration that perhaps you will never be able to achieve what you want. You may be losing faith in your talents and abilities. If this is the case, relax, lighten up and give yourself some space and ‘down time’ for a short period. Take a holiday or a break from your usual routine, and you will find that this helps you to re-energize and re-focus.

November // Knight of Swords (reversed)

First Impressions // A knight holding a sword, looking ready for battle. But it's reversed so maybe there's a battle coming that they need to prepare for? Or aren't ready for?


Travel by air
As change and movement: time and environment of rapid changes. In the positive, rapid thoughts, ideas, problems and challenges quickly appear and are quickly solved. In the negative, there might be too much thinking. Things will feel restless, change direction in a blink or go from zero-to-sixty in a second. There will be an inclination to argue. It could be frightening and worrying but also mentally stimluating.

As a teen or "teen-like" person: Too smart for his own good, too talkative. They are the sort to get into a dozen flame wars on a dozen internet chat sites. Likes to play devil's advocate, argue just for the sake of arguing. He can be smart and amazing at problem-solving. But this can make him arrogant, cold, even cruiel to those he views as not so bright. This sharp mind and sharp tongue can also lead him to spread gossip or nasty rumors just to see what will happen. He may be an internet troll or hacker and likely to cause serious trouble and get into serious trouble because of it. He fails to consider the consequences of his words, and can be uncaring about others feelings.

He is, however, a good knight to have on your side as he will find clever ways to win in battle.

- Aeclectic

Reversed: Scattered thought, disregard for consequences

This reversed Knight is incredibly impatient, impulsive and bursting with energy. This person has so much energy but so little direction that this results in them making rash decisions and pulling down others with them. Their thoughts are scattered and all over the place. They are likely to be very disorganised, flippant and unpredictable. If you encounter this type of person, you need to be very wary and make sure that you do not get caught up in all the hype and energy that surrounds them. It will be easily done for this person is a greater talker and is full of ideas and thoughts about future opportunities. Do not get sucked in to their whirlwind of activity and energy!

The Knight of Swords reversed indicates that you need to go it alone in order to build up valuable life experience and maturity. As you search for freedom and independence, it is likely you will make mistakes on your way due to your reckless and impatient nature but this is all part of the journey. This card can often reflect a rebellious teenager who is fighting for their own independence, and the parents who need to allow that teenager to make the mistakes and to be accountable for their actions.

The reversed Knight of Swords can also suggest that you need to slow down otherwise you are at risk of serious burn-out and exhaustion. You want to be involved in everything but you are not succeeding at anything due to this scattered thought and energy. As such, you are spinning your wheels and accomplishing very little but growing more and more tired by the day. Take some time out so that you can first ground yourself, gather your thoughts and focus on only the top priorities.

- Biddy Tarot

December // 8 of Pentacles (reversed)

First Impressions // There is a woman laying naked upon a bed of pentacles. Another woman paints her.

Upright: Could indicate a new job or new training. Might be going through an apprenticshipe which might be a little demoralizing but there is still gratitude for employment. Either way, there are clearly no patrons this time to finance him; he is working hard to prove something to himself and his new employer, not to impress rich backers.

Work for your own good, not in hopes of impressing anyone. This card is about diligence and limiting your work to a particular project. It is doing your best not to show off what you can do or in the hopes of something more, but because you want to take pride in your work.

To this end, whether learning this skill or already a master at it, the querent will or should pay attention to details, research, train, and do whatever else is needed to feel that their work goes above and beyond. Even if no one else notices, they will know what that they have taken themselves to a higher level.

- Aeclectic 

Reversed: Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus

Reversed, the Eight of Pentacles can reflect that your attention to detail is actually getting in the way of innovation and change. The Eight of Pentacles is perfection in a self-contained world, a world that needs nothing but perfect pentacles, one after another. But what if the rules change? What if you are called upon to do something completely different to the task at hand or you need to change your focus? This may send you into a tailspin! If you need to take a risk, or to shift gears, the reversed Eight of Pentacles shows that your perfectionism has become a barrier to your success. You will have to let go of the smoothness and predictability of doing what you have mastered, and be willing to make a Fool of yourself all over again.

Often, the reversed Eight of Pentacles reversed suggests that you are working very hard on something but it is not leading to the desired outcome, leading to frustration and disappointment with the lack of success and progress. Sometimes, we can focus in on improving a part of ourselves or trying to fix something, only to find that all that effort is just going on the wrong things. You may be honing in on minute details that are not important to the overall workings of your life. Instead, you need to look at the bigger picture and ask yourself whether this is the right direction for you at this time. How can you bring your attention out of the detail and to the overall picture here? Are you working on the right things, or is there a major part that you are missing? Return to the energy of the Seven of Pentacles and re-prioritise and invest in those activities that will lead to the greatest return.

In a work-related reading, the reversed Eight of Pentacles can indicate a time when you are lacking the ambition, engagement or dedication to see your work through. You are too wrapped up in everyday concerns and worries to take the time out to gain more long-term security. Instead most of your energies are wasted pursuing short-term gains and rewards. Continuing to toil at the same work is not going to get you where you want to be. This might be fine for some people but for you to get anywhere in your current profession, you might actually have to go back and get some additional skills and possibly even take a pay cut while doing so. Rather than trying to look for minor improvements in what you are already doing, this card suggests completely thinking out of the box. Look for something unrelated to what you have been doing, for example, starting your own business or entering an entirely new field of work. Look for something new. The time is right for you to change directions.

Overall // Ace of Wands

First Impressions // A single wand wrapped in vine with a castle in the distance. Wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality, ideas, and energy flow. While Aces represent the spark, the initial energy of the suit, pure and new energy. I think this represents new inspiration, energy and ideas.

A new spark of energy for a new passion.

Usually indicates the querent just discovered or wants to discover a new religion, philosophy, cause or career choice. They feel their energy go up, they feel the heat, and they want more of it. They take up the wand and start walking.

- Aeclectic 

Upright: Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential

In the Ace of Wands, a hand reaches out from a cloud, as if a spiritual opportunity or offering is being made, to grasp a wand that is still flowering, growing and developing. The leaves floating down with the wind signify material and spiritual progress and balance. In the distance on the left, there is a castle that represents the promise of what opportunities may come.

The Ace of Wands is a sign to just ‘go for it’. This highly action-oriented card sees you feeling incredibly inspired and enthusiastic about pursuing a new idea or project that you have in mind. You are all revved up and raring to go. Use your creative energy and passion to take the first steps and get this project underway. Even if you like to have everything planned out before you begin down a certain path, the Ace of Wands is encouraging you to listen to your instincts and follow your gut. If it feels like a good idea, it probably is. So, start with a few basic actions to get things underway, and then continue to grow and develop your ideas through more complex actions later on. The important thing is that you act now, rather than spending more time planning or researching.

The Ace of Wands is also indicative of a time in your life where you have a ‘breakthrough moment’ and feel very inspired and motivated about a particular idea or passion. Your eyes have been opened to a whole new world and you are now very excited about the possibilities and the opportunities that are available to you.

You are showing huge potential at this time and are driven by a strong, creative force. It is as if there is a latent talent within that is just bursting to get out and be fully utilized. This is also a perfect time to draw upon your imagination and to make your dreams reality.

Something to keep in mind with the Ace of Wands, and any Ace for that matter, is that it is but a seed that is yet to grow into something more solid or sustainable. You are being offered an opportunity here that shows great promise but it will be up to you to make the most of it and to maximise the potential for the longer-term. It is almost like the spark that is needed to fuel a huge fire but you must work hard to build the fire up as the spark itself is not enough to make such a large fire.

The energy of the Ace of Wands can also signify a restlessness or uncertainty as to how to proceed. You may have energy and passion but not yet have a clear outlet for its expression. All of these wonderful ideas are beginning to build up from within and you are just bursting with energy but now you must find a way to effectively express this energy in a way that will set you up in the longer-term.

- Biddy Tarot

Today // 5 of Swords (reversed)

First Impressions // A cloaked person stands on a beach holding 4 swords with one in the sand. The sun is setting and there are two shadowy figures behind. 5 represents upsets and instability while swords represent intellect and though. So maybe an instability of thoughts? But it is upside down so maybe I'm in denial?

A smirking young man gathers up swords won in battle from two, humiliated losers. Pride can make us blind to our own limits and weaknesses. It can lure us into fights we weren't ready for, or weren't equal to winning. Most of the time, we probably knew it was a bad idea, yet we let ourselves be tricked, lured, or goated into fighting. And now we are dishonored.

Question: "how can I survive this disgrace?"
Answer: " By learning from it your weaknesses and limits"

Losses like this teach us how to know ourselves and be better prepared for the next time. They teach us how and when to walk away from fights, which can often be harder than giving in, and so save ourselves from the greater damage of failure.

- Aeclectic

Reversed: Open to change, past resentment

As a card of conflict, tension and disagreement, the reversal of the Five of Swords shows that you really just want this period of fighting to be over, so that you can forgive and forget, and then focus your energies on more constructive activities such as restoring your relationship back to normal. The conflict is becoming upsetting now and you realise that there can only be losers in this battle. You now just want to put this behind you and move on.

Thus, the Five of Swords reversed suggests that you are now more open to change. The arguing is over and you are more willing to look at the situation with fresh eyes. You are willing to lay down your sword and begin negotiating, honestly trying to arrive at a win-win solution rather than always knocking heads. A return to the Four of Swords is required, where tranquillity and peace drive your thoughts and behaviour, moving away from tension and conflict. This is a good time to reach out to those with whom you have recently had conflict or disagreements, and make amends.

The Five of Swords reversed can sometimes indicate conflict in your life that you have tried to walk away from but which continues to follow you. For example, there may still be an ex in your life who is making things difficult and who may be preventing you from moving on to new relationships. So long as there is conflict, tension and raw emotion at play, avoid this person or situation.

Similarly, the reversed Five of Swords can suggest that an old wound has been re-opened and you are experiencing fear and tension associated with that memory. You may be particularly worried that history might repeat itself or that you could be hurt again. Aim to forgive and forget so that you can indeed move on.

There may also be some residual resentment following a recent or past argument with someone close to you. You have had some very challenging and heated conversations together and you still harbour some negative emotion from these discussions. This may still be unresolved and unaddressed and this in itself is impacting your ability to create a harmonious relationship.

The reversed Five of Swords serves as a reminder that, at times, it may be appropriate to disregard the opinions of others. Sometimes you just cannot please everyone and unfortunately there may be some friendships lost along the way. Sadly, not everyone is going to be as accommodating of your desire to pursue your own goals, particularly if it impacts on them and their ability to live their life the way they want to. What you will have to accept is that you cannot please everyone and there are going to be people who are annoyed that you cannot be there for them as much as in the past. They will just need to deal with this and get over it, I’m afraid.

- Biddy Tarot 


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